FAIM Coordinator: Training

FAIM Network Monthly Meetings

Paige Carlson will facilitate the monthly FAIM Network Meeting which will include program updates and training topic.  Staff working with FAIM at local agencies are expected to attend the network meetings which will be held online unless otherwise noted.  Meetings are typically held on the fourth Thursday each month and start at 11:30am.

Teams link - join on your computer, mobile app or room device:  Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 292 171 224 045
Passcode: ofNX8R


FAIM Coach Reference

Local FAIM coaches are responsible for pulling the monthly FAIM account statements from VistaShare.  Review statements for regular deposits and issues with saving.  If participant is not using the client portal in VistaShare to view their savings/match, coach is to provide a monthly statement to the individual.  How to pull FAIM Account Statements or Individual Transaction Record


Coach Training - FAIM 101 for Grant 2086.

FAIM coach 101 training options:

Recording of FAIM 101 Training on 2-22-2024 - watch the recording, and then review slides on new asset tracks - New Asset Tracks PowerPoint 4-25-2024

- OR -

FAIM 101 - 6 asset tracks in Grant 2086 - updated 7/19/2024 - review the PowerPoint presentation updated 7-19-2024


LSS Four Cornerstones of Financial Wellness Curriculum

May 2024 - LSS Four Cornerstones of Financial Wellness Training Booklets

May 2022 - LSS Four Cornerstones of Financial Wellness - additional training materials

Cornerstone One - Materials / Resources

Cornerstone Two - Materials / Resources

Cornerstone Three - Materials / Resources

Cornerstone Four - Materials / Resources


FDIC Money Smart for Adults Training Materials

FDIC Online Catalog - click the link to connect to FDIC's online catalog of Money Smart training materials. Money Smart Train-the-Trainer resources and access to financial training for: Young People (K-12), Young Adults, Adults, Older Adults, and Small Business.  Money Smart for Adults booklet is also available in Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese.  

FDIC: Money Smart - FDIC website with financial tools and resources.

FDIC's How Money Smart Are You? - Games - link to training games.   Create an account for your agency then refer clients to the site.  Advise them to select your agency when they establish their account and to complete all 14 modules.  You can monitor their progress and obtain a master certificate once they complete all 14 modules.

PowerPoint 10/29/2019 Train the Trainer - Money Smart for Adults 2018 - PowerPoint presentation from FDIC Money Smart for Adults Training at MCIT in St. Paul

How to Download Money Smart for Adults - FDIC instruction sheet to access Money Smart curriculum training modules.

Money Smart for Adults - 2018 Guide to Presenting - presenter training guide/manual

Money Smart for Adults - 2018 Supplement - Scenarios for Financial Inclusion - presenter supplement.  Scenarios - video link


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